MAXSUN ms-n520l mainboard does not trigger repair

No VCC was found on the main board no power on and rsmrst of MAXSUN ms-n520l. It was found that one of the resistors was damaged. After replacement, it turned on normally.

MAXSUN ms-n520l mainboard does not trigger repair

Motherboard model: MAXSUN ms-n520l motherboard

Fault phenomenon: main board no power on

Maintenance process:

A piece of ms-n520l main board IO w83627dhg-p.First, measure whether there is Short circuit and Diode value is normal.
It was measured that the 1V standby VCC of the standby VCC 3vsb south bridge was available, and the VCC was normally replaced with IO, and no result was found.Check the condition of IO switch, open the IO drawing, check rsmrst and find that there is no VCC, IO should be OK, that is, there is no pull-up.Because IO is an open drain output, it runs to a resistor through the running circuit. The resistor is 3.3V at one end and 0V at the other end. This resistor is broken.Replace with 0 Ω, start test,switch,Normally booting up.Troubleshooting,This is the end of the repair.

MAXSUN ms-n520l mainboard does not trigger repair

MAXSUN ms-n520l mainboard does not trigger repair