iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work for maintenance

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work, replace Camera failure remains, one line is fixed. 

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work for maintenance

Machine model: iPhone 6s
Trouble: the rear Camera does not work.
Fault analysis: The fault remains after camera replacement, and it is determined that it is the motherboard problem. This kind of fault is relatively easy. Let’s look at schematic first.

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work for maintenance

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work maintenance Figure 1.

Maintenance process: the working conditions of the rear camera seen on schematic include 1.2V 1.8V 2.85V VCC i2C bus,CLK signal, EN and IMPI bus for image transmission, which are not very complicated,  but it is found that 2.85V VCC is not available one by one.

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work for maintenance

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work maintenance Figure 2.

It can be seen in the figure that 2.85V VCC is converted and output by U3200, but our maintenance principle is that SMD REWORK STATION can be solved by Hand solder. Capacitor C4128 is 2.75V VCC,  which is 0.1V short. Try to borrow VCC xt22601 first.

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work for maintenance

iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work maintenance Figure 3.

Installation test and camera work normally, and the maintenance is completed here.


iPhone 6s rear Camera does not work maintenance Figure 4.