HP motherboard memory alarm repair

HP motherboard memory alarm, replace 284 pin, the machine returns to normal.

HP motherboard memory alarm repair

HP motherboard memory alarm, replace 284 pin, the machine returns to normal.

Machine model: HP motherboard

Fault phenomenon: The buzzer on the motherboard beeps three times and two times.

Maintenance process: At first, I thought it was a memory module problem. After two memory modules were replaced, the failure remained the same. So multimeter started to play the circuit. After measurement, it was found that the memory master VCC and the memory bus VCC were normal!

HP motherboard memory alarm repair Figure 1.

All of a sudden, there is another important signal SPD in the memory. Without this signal, it is also a memory alarm. After measurement, it is found that SPD is sent to 284 pin in the memory slot through a resistor. The normal input VCC should be 3.3V, but the actual measurement is only 1.4V, so it is directly replaced.

HP motherboard memory alarm repair Figure 2.

After replacement, plug it in and turn it on, and it lights up normally! ! !

HP motherboard memory alarm repair Figure 3.